Erbil, Kurdistan Region – The Department of Foreign Relations (DFR), under the leadership of Minister Safeen Dizayee, hosted the third conference of “Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representations Abroad” in Erbil from January 28 through February 1, 2024. The event was inaugurated by the KRG Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, and Deputy Prime Minister, Qubad Talabani. Other dignitaries including KRG Ministers, representatives from the Kurdistan Region’s Presidency, diplomats, United Nations representatives, senior political party leaders also attended the opening ceremony.
All 14 KRG Representatives stationed abroad, among them Treefa Aziz, the Representative to the United States, participated in the comprehensive five-day conference. The agenda and focus of this year’s conference included detailed briefings from multiple ministries about their ongoing mission, projects, and notable accomplishments achieved under the 9th cabinet.
The conference served as a valuable platform for Representatives abroad to deepen their understanding of KRG’s new technology initiatives, explore business and investment prospects within the Kurdistan Region, and discuss the current economic and financial situation, including negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad.
During the conference, Representative Aziz highlighted the mission's advocacy efforts and accomplishments over the past four years within the U.S. government, Congress, think tanks, and academia, emphasizing the strategic initiatives undertaken to bolster the Kurdistan Region’s interests and foster bilateral relations.
This gathering not only facilitated insightful discussions and exchange of ideas but also paved the way for a stronger, more cohesive approach towards representing the Kurdistan Region’s interests internationally. The DFR remains committed to leveraging these outcomes to further enhance the Kurdistan Region's global presence and partnerships.