Washington, DC, USA (us.gov.krd) – Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman had a cordial meeting with Russell Schiebel, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, on February 7.
The two sides discussed the humanitarian situation in the Kurdistan Region, including the security predicament in the Nineveh Plains and Sinjar region that has prevented the internally displaced population from returning to their places of origin. The KRG Envoy also highlighted the Kurdistan Region's economic challenges, as well as the continuing need for humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of the displaced people.
They also discussed the deep partnership between the Kurdistan Region and the United States and emphasized the need for continued coordination to address the humanitarian needs in Kurdistan and the greater region.
America is the largest donor of humanitarian aid to Iraq through the United Nations and other agencies and NGOs. It has also provided assistance to various areas to the peshmerga forces who have fought ISIS since 2014 and continue to protect the country.