Tuesday 26 September 2023

KRG officials participate in UN General Assembly

Washington, DC, USA (us.gov.krd) – Minister Safeen Dizayee, the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), and KRG Representative to the United States, Treefa Aziz, attended the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. They joined as part of the Iraqi delegation from September 19 to 26, 2023.

Minister Dizayee conducted several high-level meetings, including with US officials from the White House and the State Department. In a meeting with Brett McGurk, the White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Minister Dizayee expressed gratitude for the US support of the KRG. He also underscored the significance of continuous dialogue and cooperation with Baghdad.

Furthermore, he had an insightful discussion with Victoria Taylor, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of State’s Near Eastern Affairs. Ms. Taylor reiterated the US's support for the KRG and encouraged them to persist in their dialogue with Baghdad, aiming for a robust and resilient Iraqi Kurdistan Region within a sovereign Iraq.

The delegation also attended the Middle East Global Summit, organized by Al-Monitor and Semafor, alongside UNGA. This summit saw the participation of world leaders, top policymakers, business magnates, and investors globally. The Summit's focal topics encompassed economic partnerships, political rapprochement, energy transitions, and venture capital in the Middle East.

Additionally, the KRG delegation took part in the Council on Foreign Relations conversation featuring Prime Minister Shia al-Sudani of Iraq. The Prime Minister delved into Iraq-US relations, Iraq’s foreign policy directives, and the prevailing geopolitical and security dynamics in the region.

This iteration of the UN General Assembly pivoted on critical subjects like climate change, poverty, conflict, and inequality. Moreover, the assembly functioned as a forum to reflect on global cooperation and envision future trajectories for the UN.