Washington DC, USA (us.gov.krd) – KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman met with Congresswoman Katie Porter on January 12, 2023, to review the California Congresswoman's recent visit to Kurdistan and discuss the current political and security situation in the region.
During the meeting, they discussed the importance of maintaining a strong relationship between the United States and the Kurdistan Region and how to address the challenges facing the region so as to maintain Kurdistan's stability and prosperity. They also talked about the latest economic and humanitarian developments and how to work together to tackle these issues.
Congresswoman Porter, who visited Erbil and Baghdad in November as part of a congressional delegation, is the latest member to join the Kurdish-American Congressional Caucus. The Caucus provides members a platform for discussing American priorities in Kurdistan and the significance of the US-Kurdistan partnership.
Ms. Abdul Rahman expressed her appreciation for the Congresswoman's interest in Kurdistan and Iraq, saying, 'We are grateful for the Congresswoman's support and her commitment to promoting a strong relationship between the United States and the Kurdistan Region.'