Washington DC, USA (us.gov.krd) – Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman celebrated the International Day of Sign Languages with world leaders by participating in the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) 's ‘Global Leaders Challenge.’
Together with Kurdish Deaf leaders in the Kurdistan Region and the United States, she released a video on social media in Kurdish Sign Language (Zmani Hêmay Kurdi - ZHK) stating, ‘Sign languages unite us.’ Several countries, including Austria, Norway, Belgium, Haiti, Namibia, Spain, Ireland, Ukraine, and Italy also joined the challenge.
Kurdish Deaf participants included current Gallaudet University English Language Institute student Hawal Mohammed Abdullah, a native of Koya, and Deaf leaders from Erbil, Slemani and Duhok.These leaders meet monthly to discuss Deaf human rights priorities in the region.
Celebrating International Day of Sign Languages arises from Resolution A/RES/72/161 of the United Nations adopted in 2017, which recognizes September 23 as the International Day of Sign Languages.
The WFD is one of the world's oldest international organizations of persons with disabilities. Recognizing that deaf people throughout the globe face barriers to full accessibility, equal human rights, and participation in policymaking decisions that affect them, the WFD was established in Rome, Italy, in 1951.