Monday 21 March 2022

KRG Representation welcomes the American University of Kurdistan delegation

Washington, DC, USA ( – KRG Representative Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman and her team had a productive meeting with the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) delegation at the Kurdistan Regional Government Mission in Washington DC on March 21.

The AUK delegation, headed by university president Dr. Rhandal Rhodes, presented the university's vision, existing degree programs, scholarship opportunities, and short and long-term plans. The purpose of their visit to the United States was to prepare for their first reception in Washington DC on March 22 and Nashville, TN, on March 26.

Ms. Abdul Rahman and the KRG team welcomed the AUK delegation and explored opportunities for collaboration.

The American University of Kurdistan was founded in 2014 as a non-profit institution of higher learning by Masrour Barzani, now prime minister. The university is dedicated to preparing future generations of leaders through curricular and co-curricular excellence in an American-style education.